اسرار الكنيسةenglish booksكتب لاهوت وعقيدة مسيحية

women and The Eucharist – father youel

women and The Eucharist – father youel

women and The Eucharist
women and The Eucharist

Women and the Eucharist
Fr. Youel El-Makary
originally published in Arabic, March 2016,
under the title:
” المرأة والتناول“

O God, who loved us so, and granted us the rank of
sonship that we may be called the sons of God, and that
we may be heirs of You, O God, the Father, and sharers
of the inheritance of Your Christ.
Incline Your ears, O Lord, and hearken to us, we
who bow our heads to You, and cleanse our inner man
in the likeness of the purity of Your only-begotten Son,
this which we contemplate partaking of.
May fornication and every defiled thought flee from
us, for the sake of God who is of the Virgin. Also pride,
and the first evil, which is arrogance, for the sake of
Him who alone humbled Himself for our sake.
Fear, for the sake of Him who suffered in the flesh
on our behalf and upheld the victory of the cross.
Vainglory, for the sake of Him who was smitten and
scourged for our sake, and hid not His face from the
shame of spitting

Envy, murder, divisions, and hatred, for the sake of
the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
Anger and the remembrance of evil, for the sake of Him
who nailed the handwriting of our sins to the cross.
The demons and the Devil, may they flee, for the
sake of Him who had disarmed the evil principalities
and made a spectacle of the authorities of darkness.
That we may be partakers of the Body, and
partakers of the nature, and partakers in the succession
of Your Christ.
This is He with whom You are blessed, with the Holy
Spirit, the Giver of life, who is of one essence with You.
Now and at all times and unto the age of all ages. Amen.
May the Lord purify us in Him according to His
Holy Will, and sanctify our bodies, souls, and spirits, by
our unity with Him through the Eucharist.
Through the intercession of our Holy Saint Mary
and the Great Abba Macarius, and through the prayers
of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, and his partner in the
Apostolic Liturgy our honored Fathers Metropolitans
and Bishops; and glory be to God for ever. Amen.
Anba Epiphanius.

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